Confectionery Industry Fan

These leading brands demand the highest quality, unsurpassed reliability and absolute safety.

One of our simplest of fans a ‘Biff’ or Bifurcated fan is often used in the food industry as they have a simple in-line axial design and with a motor that is on the outside of the air-flow. The air flow forks (bifurcates) around the motor. This allows the fan to carry gasses like steam or oil mist from fryers that would normally corrode a motor housed in the airstream.

This Stainless-Steel Biff was further modified for use where there is the possibility of explosive dust mixtures present. This is covered by the ATEX directive and requires us to take several steps to ensure that the fan has a reduced risk of ignition sources. This includes the use of brass spark minimising features and the fitting of a vibration sensor.

Industrial Fan for the Confectionery Industry
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Lagging For Efficiency

Halifax Fan Group, Asia. Did you know that 48% of fans that we manufacture for the Asian market, are lagged for thermal or acoustics reasons,

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